Toyota Textile is committed to contributing to the achievement of the SDGs goals and the realization of a sustainable society through our various corporate and business activities.

We use energy-efficient boilers powered by propane gas, contributing to reduced environmental impact. By implementing a boiler control system that adjusts operation based on usage, we strive to reduce CO₂ emissions.

We use energy-efficient boilers powered by propane gas, contributing to reduced environmental impact. By implementing a boiler control system that adjusts operation based on usage, we strive to reduce CO₂ emissions.

We have an inclusive hiring policy that does not discriminate based on gender, disability, nationality, religion, age, or educational background. We are committed to creating a work environment where employees from diverse backgrounds can work comfortably and find fulfillment.
We also promote the use of paid leave and encourage extended employment beyond the retirement age of 65, providing employment opportunities without age restrictions.

As we operate on a made-to-order basis, we avoid unnecessary waste. We also use yarn with clear origins.
We process unusable yarn (due to mold or insect damage) to make it usable again. We reuse and recycle materials such as paper cones and are working towards reducing plastic use as much as possible.